Tag: Masks

In a podcast discussion, it was noted that on the same date in 2018, Donald Trump's approval rating was 42.8 percent, while Joe Biden's current rating stands at 40.6 percent.
The author argues against the widespread masking of schoolchildren during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The text discusses the phenomenon of some individuals choosing to continue living under COVID-19 restrictions, such as masks, despite data indicating the pandemic is over.
The podcast raises concerns about the poor execution of the Oscars, the possibility of no longer needing to wear masks outdoors, and John Kerry's alleged communication with Iranians that may require him to appear before the Senate Intelligence Committee.
The text discusses whether liberals will relax COVID restrictions once they are vaccinated and if the Biden administration is hesitant to engage in legal action against racial discrimination.
The article discusses the challenges and inconsistencies in relying solely on "official science" during the COVID-19 pandemic.