Tag: Mishlei

This episode discusses Spinoza's legacy of creating a secular world and his key conceptual ideas that contributed to this shift.
This episode delves into the concept of Avoda Zara, questioning its definition as idol worship and exploring whether there was any logic or merely superstition behind it.
This episode delves into Spinoza's questions about authorship in the Tanach and how they relate to Jewish history, highlighting a fundamental flaw.
The episode explores the appropriate reactions to Tisha B'Av and the destruction of the Temple.
This episode discusses Spinoza's claims about Ibn Ezra and their differing attitudes towards Chazal.
In this episode, Spinoza's questions about the authenticity of the Tanach are explored, considering how original his inquiries were and whether similar questions arose before his time.
The episode discusses Spinoza's error in criticizing Tanach for not aligning with Euclidean style logic, asserting that most of Tanach and Chazal's interpretations follow a different form of logic.
In this episode, the discussion revolves around how to respond to heresy, exploring traditional approaches to this issue.