
In Parashat Pinchas, as Moses prepares to pass his authority to Joshua before his death, the text reflects on themes of leadership transition and succession.
Shabbat times for the week of July 26 to August 2 are provided for various cities like London, Bournemouth, Leeds, Manchester, Gateshead, and Glasgow.
David E. S. Stein, the project manager and revising translator of THE JPS TANAKH: Gender-Sensitive Edition, responds to Professor Martin Lockshin's review by highlighting the value of a gender-sensitive translation.
The text discusses the challenge of leadership succession and the importance of empowering the next generation, drawing parallels between leadership transitions in the Torah portion and real-world examples like Joe Biden supporting Kamala Harris.
In Parshas Pinchas, the Torah emphasizes the significance of counting Bnei Yisrael, highlighting two types of counting: a mere tally and a deeper, meaningful progression.
In "Why Rain Comes from Above: Explorations in Religious Imagination" by Devora Steinmetz, the author intertwines Biblical and Rabbinic texts to nurture readers' imaginations and envision a more just world.
This episode discusses how the speaker's father gradually incorporated more mitzvot into his life, including a significant dream related to wearing tefillin, and his realization of the importance of Torah study through mastering Gemara skills.
Shabbat times for the week of July 19 to July 26 are provided, including the start and end times for Shabbat in various cities such as London, Bournemouth, Leeds, Manchester, Gateshead, and Glasgow.
The video explores the concept of a flying sorcerer and investigates the theme of aeronautics in Torah.
The text discusses the legacy of the Klausenburger Rebbe, Rabbi Yekusiel Yehudah Halberstam, who passed away 30 years ago.
The article highlights a selection of summer reads with unexpected and fascinating stories, ranging from contemporary self-discovery to historical thrillers and reimagined biblical tales.
The Parashah of Chukkat focuses on the incident where Moses and Aaron are denied entry into Israel due to Moses striking a rock instead of speaking to it as instructed by God.
Over 150 survivors of the Nova Festival gathered for a Shabbaton hosted by Kesher Yehudi at the David Citadel Hotel in Jerusalem, supported by the Rieder family from the US.
The text describes the author's strong connection to Phoenix, Arizona, where their sister and brother-in-law moved as kiruv pioneers to establish a Torah community.
Exploring the concept of measurement in relation to giants, focusing on Og mentioned in the Torah portion, Chukas.
This YouTube video explores the biblical story of Korach and the earth swallowing rebellious individuals, discussing its significance in Jewish tradition.
The Parashah of Korach recounts the rebellion led by Korah against Moses and Aaron, arguing for egalitarianism and questioning their leadership.
The weekly Torah portion of Shelach Lecha discusses the spies' report on the land of Israel, emphasizing how our outlook shapes our perceptions of reality.
The Shabbat times for June 28 to July 5 are detailed, including the start and end times for different cities in the UK like London, Bournemouth, Leeds, Manchester, Gateshead, and Glasgow.
Exploring the concept of giant grapes in the Parshah, this episode of Parshah Rabbit Hole delves into record-setting watermelons.
The text discusses Tractate Bava Metzia in the Babylonian Talmud, which grapples with establishing ownership in Jewish law.
The article discusses how we can learn about personal growth from trees and our past experiences.
Rav Moshe Wolfson, a revered figure in the Jewish community known for his faith and impact on many, passed away recently, leaving a profound spiritual legacy akin to Moshe Rabbeinu.
In the Torah, unique bracket-shaped markings known as inverted nuns are found surrounding Numbers 10:35-36, evolving over 2000 years with various interpretations.
The Behaalotecha parashah delves into the challenges faced by the Israelites in the desert, highlighting their complaints and false nostalgia despite escaping slavery in Egypt.

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