Tag: Muslim Jewish Advisory Council

In this podcast episode, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is explored from a different perspective.
In January, a synagogue hostage crisis took place in Colleyville, Texas, where an armed attacker targeted Congregation Beth Israel.
Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, a renowned author and rabbi, discusses ethical speech and his interactions with the Lubavitcher Rebbe on Unorthodox's latest episode recorded at Temple Beth Elin in Connecticut.
Imam Mohamed Magid, a prominent imam in America, and AJC Transatlantic Institute Director Daniel Schwammenthal discuss Islam in America, Muslim-Jewish relations, and the recent publication of an anti-Semitic cartoon by The New York Times in a podcast by AJC Passport.
Nikki Haley's unexpected resignation as U.S. Ambassador to the UN has sparked speculation on her future plans, particularly concerning her replacement's effectiveness in countering anti-Israel sentiment at the UN.