Tag: Naomi Zeveloff

Naomi Zeveloff, Ohad Zeltzer-Zubida, and Noah Efron discuss the implications of annexation in the West Bank, the symbolism of statues in Israel amidst global iconoclasm, and the role of an Army radio station.
In this discussion, journalist Naomi Zeveloff, critic Ohad Zeltzer-Zubida, and Noah Efron touch on three important topics.
Writer and activist Ohad Zeltzer-Zubida, journalist Naomi Zeveloff, and Noah Efron discuss various important topics in Israel, including the debate on whether places of religious and historical significance for Jews in the West Bank should be boycotted, a controversial plan to build desalination plants in Israel and the West Bank in exchange for electricity to promote peace, and the idea of inviting guests to a Sukkah.
Writer and activist Ohad Zeltzer-Zubida, journalist Naomi Zeveloff, and Noah Efron cover various significant topics in their discussion.
In a recent discussion with Roving Mid-East Reporter Naomi Zeveloff and Tel Aviv Review host Gilad Halpern, key topics included the absence of debate on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict ahead of Israel's elections, Prime Minister Netanyahu's image as an "autocrat whisperer," the initiative to introduce public transportation on the Sabbath in Israeli cities led by Likud, and the resurgence of English language media in Israel amidst a decline in international media.
Don Futterman, Noah Efron, and Naomi Zeveloff discuss significant topics including Trump cutting funding for Palestinian refugees, a surge in homeschooled Israeli children, reflections on the past year, and the challenge of American rabbis addressing Israel this Rosh Hashanah.
In this episode of "Unscrewed," Noah Efron, Don Futterman, and Naomi Zeveloff discuss why some members of Israel's secular and Mizrahi right do not express grievances often associated with them, while relatively wealthy liberal-left voters feel discriminated against.
In this episode, Noah Efron, Don Futterman, and Naomi Zeveloff discuss significant topics including the reduction of sentence for Elor Azaria, an IDF soldier who shot a Palestinian assailant, the morality of Israel's arms industry amidst protests over arms sales to Burma/Myanmar, and plans to build museums in development towns to recognize contributions of marginalized communities.
In this podcast episode, Noah Efron, Don Futterman, and Naomi Zeveloff discuss important topics including the reduction of the sentence of Elor Azaria, an IDF soldier who shot a Palestinian attacker, the morality of Israel's weapons industry amidst criticism for selling arms to Burma/Myanmar, and the development of museums in development towns in Israel to acknowledge contributions often overlooked.
In this edition, Noah Efron, Don Futterman, and Naomi Zeveloff discuss the Israeli Supreme Court rejecting mass exemptions for ultra-Orthodox kids from army service, the decline of malls in Israel as possibly signaling a shift in Israeli culture, and they review significant events and figures of the year 5777.