Tag: Ponder

In this episode of TanakhCast, the focus is on contemplating and exploring four chapters of the Tanakh at a time, beginning with Genesis and ending with 2 Chronicles.
In episode #236 of TanakhCast, the Partisan Press Edition, the host discusses the podcast's ongoing exploration of the Tanakh, covering four chapters every two weeks.
In this episode of TanakhCast, the "Fan Fiction Edition", the hosts discuss the ongoing project of exploring the Tanakh, one chapter at a time.
In this episode of TanakhCast, the focus is on discussing four chapters of the Tanakh, from Genesis to 2 Chronicles.
In this episode of TanakhCast, the focus is on martyrdom.
In this episode of TanakhCast, the hosts engage in a discussion about the canon of the Tanakh.
TanakhCast #183, known as The Kol Bishah Ervah Edition, is a podcast that delves into 4 chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, ranging from Genesis to 2 Chronicles.
In TanakhCast #174: The Lachrymose Edition, a podcast explores the Tanakh in segments of 4 chapters every two weeks, starting from Genesis to 2 Chronicles, offering a deeper reflection on the text and encouraging patience from listeners due to the extensive journey through the biblical canon.
In TanakhCast #163: The New Song Edition, the host discusses the Tanakh in episodes covering four chapters every two weeks, starting from Genesis to 2 Chronicles.
In TanakhCast #155: The Idioms Edition, the podcast takes a closer look at the Tanakh by exploring and reflecting on four chapters every two weeks, from Genesis to 2 Chronicles.
TanakhCast's 148th episode focuses on discussing and reflecting on four chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, starting from Genesis to 2 Chronicles.
In TanakhCast #142: The Eclipse of God Edition, the podcast delves into 4 chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, discussing passages from Genesis to 2 Chronicles.
In TanakhCast #127, the discussion focuses on engaging with and reflecting on 4 chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, starting from Genesis to 2 Chronicles.
In this episode of TanakhCast, the hosts explore 4 chapters of the Tanakh, delving into topics from Genesis to 2 Chronicles every two weeks.
In episode 120 of TanakhCast, the focus is on discussing and reflecting on four chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, starting from Genesis and culminating in 2 Chronicles.
TanakhCast #109 explores 4 chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, covering texts from Genesis to 2 Chronicles in a reflective and analytical manner.
In the TanakhCast #102 episode titled "The Release the Kraken Edition," the podcast delves into discussing four chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, from Genesis to 2 Chronicles, a journey that is expected to span a considerable time frame.
In the TanakhCast #100 episode titled "The Idolatrizing Edition," the hosts engage with and reflect upon four chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, starting from Genesis and culminating in 2 Chronicles.
In TanakhCast #97, the discussion centers around the theme of caution against trusting Egypt as depicted in the Tanakh.
In TanakhCast #89, the Secret Book of Kings Book Club discusses 4 chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, following the text from Genesis to 2 Chronicles.
In episode 67 of TanakhCast, the focus is on a discussion of four chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, spanning from Genesis to 2 Chronicles, emphasizing patience in the process.
"TanakhCast #58" is a podcast that delves into the Tanakh, covering four chapters every two weeks from Genesis to 2 Chronicles, offering a thoughtful exploration of these biblical texts.
"TanakhCast: The Moral Panic Edition!" is a podcast series that delves into and reflects on four chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, covering Genesis to 2 Chronicles.
"TanakhCast: The Paradox and Scale Edition" is a podcast that delves into the Tanakh, the Hebrew Bible, exploring and discussing four chapters at a time from Genesis to 2 Chronicles every two weeks.
TanakhCast is a podcast that delves into the Tanakh, exploring 4 chapters every two weeks from Genesis to 2 Chronicles.