Tag: Public Intellectual

The author argues that progressive intellectual life in America is dead, as the centralized and authoritarian control of progressivism by major foundations and nonprofits has eliminated the possibility of being a progressive public intellectual.
In his new biography, "Places of Mind: A Life of Edward Said," Timothy Brennan examines the various facets of Edward Said, a renowned Palestinian-American scholar and public figure, who was also Brennan's former PhD advisor.
Timothy Brennan, a professor at the University of Minnesota, has authored a biography on Edward Said, a celebrated Palestinian-American scholar and public intellectual, who was also Brennan's former PhD advisor at Columbia University.
Zev Harvey, a Jewish philosophy professor, discusses the life and ideas of Prof. Aviezer Ravitzky, a leading Jewish philosopher in Israel, before a public event honoring Ravitzky's contributions.
Isaac Rosenfeld, a mid-century American Jewish intellectual known for his essays, novels, and cultural criticism, is explored in Steven Zipperstein's biography "Rosenfeld's Lives."