Tag: Rabbi Judah Loew

The text delves into the Jewish perspective on solar eclipses, exploring whether they are viewed as natural phenomena or bad omens.
Minecraft, a popular video game, features various types of golems, including the Iron Golem, inspired by Jewish folklore's protective creature.
This book discusses the life and work of Yudel Rosenberg, the chief rabbi of Montreal in the early 20th century.
The Altneuschul, or Old-New Synagogue in Prague, is surrounded by folklore that speaks of old stones from the Temple in Jerusalem, the creation of a golem by Rabbi Judah Loew, and a legend involving a black cat turning coal into gold and leading a man to Jerusalem.
In her book "The Kabbalistic Culture of Eighteenth-Century Prague," Sharon Flatto revisits the legacy of Ezekiel Landau, the Noda Biyehudah, challenging the notion that he was antagonistic towards Jewish mysticism.