Tag: Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai

The text discusses the story of Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai and the women in his life: his mother (Eishet Yohai), wife (Eishet Shimon), and daughter-in-law (Eishet Elazar).
The author reflects on the tradition of Lag ba-Omer bonfires in Israel, highlighting its environmental impact and lack of Halakhic basis.
After the Lag Ba-omer celebrations at the tomb of Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai (Rashbi) in Meron, there are discussions around his self-praise in rabbinic literature.
In a contemplative piece, Elli Fischer discusses the unique practice of celebrating the death of revered rabbinic figures, focusing on the example of Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai (Rashbi) and contrasting it with the lesser-known commemoration of Rabbi Hanina ben Teradyon.