Tag: Rockets

The text discusses the current tensions between Israel and Hezbollah, focusing on the question of whether Hezbollah seeks a full-scale confrontation with Israel and Israel's readiness for a potential conflict.
Despite a devastating mass terror attack by Hamas causing over 600 deaths and 2,000 injuries in Israel, Israelis have united in the face of this tragedy, with a surge in support for peace and a strong communal response.
Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel, resulting in over 600 Israeli deaths and 2,000 wounded.
In a podcast, Mordechai Kedar discusses the recent increase in terrorism in the West Bank.
The discussion with Jonathan Schanzer focuses on the recent firing of over 1,400 rockets at Israel from Gaza and highlights the unique aspects of the current situation compared to previous conflicts, such as the nature of the enemy, the threat posed, and the geopolitical efforts against Israel spearheaded by Iran.
Lt. Col. (res.) Avital Leibovich, Director of AJC Jerusalem, provides an update on the recent escalation in Gaza.
Israel is preparing for potential retaliation from Islamic Jihad after assassinating three senior members of the group and conducting airstrikes that resulted in civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip.
In this podcast episode, Chuck Freilich, former Israeli deputy national security adviser, discusses the possibility of Israel conducting a military strike to eliminate Iran's nuclear program.
In Israel, a week of escalating tensions culminates in a widespread conflict involving rockets fired into Israel, destructive attacks on Gaza, and riots in various parts of the country.
Israel is currently facing a severe crisis, with thousands of rockets fired from Gaza, causing Israelis to take shelter.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, Sally Abed, and Noah Efron discuss recent events in Israel, including rocket attacks from the south and mob violence across the country, questioning why the nation erupted into violence.
This text provides a personal account of the author's experience during rocket attacks in Tel Aviv.
Israel recently faced a severe rocket attack from Hamas, the most intense since 2014, with over 450 rockets hitting southern cities, resulting in deaths and injuries.
In a recent episode of AJC Passport, the discussion covered the ongoing rocket attacks on southern Israel by Hamas, with input from former IDF spokesperson Lt. Col. (res.) Peter Lerner.