Tag: Sady And Ludwig Kahn Chair

Dr. Geoffrey Levin, Assistant Professor at Emory University, delves into his book "Our Palestine Problem: Israel and American Jewish Dissent, 1948-1978," which examines the early anti-Zionist and pro-Palestinian intellectuals who emerged after Israel's founding.
Daniel Bar-Tal, a professor of social psychology at Tel Aviv University, discusses his book "Sinking into the Honey Trap: The Case of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" in an episode sponsored by the Sady and Ludwig Kahn Chair in Jewish History at UCLA.
Daniel Bar-Tal, a professor emeritus of social psychology at Tel Aviv University, delves into his new book "Sinking into the Honey Trap: The Case of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict," exploring the perpetual nature of intractable conflicts.
Dr. Nechumi Yaffe from Tel Aviv University, the first ultra-Orthodox woman to be a faculty member at an Israeli university, explores her research on ultra-Orthodox capabilities and their well-being, as well as the link between a Haredi lifestyle and higher education.
Yoram Hazony discusses his book "Conservatism: A Rediscovery" and argues for the dissolution of the alliance between conservatism and liberalism.
Yoram Hazony, President of the Herzl Institute and Chairman of the Edmund Burke Foundation, challenges the relationship between conservatism and liberalism in his book "Conservatism: A Rediscovery."