Tag: Senate Intelligence Committee

Israeli and U.S. officials estimate that only a small fraction of the extensive tunnel network built by Hamas in Gaza has been demolished so far, despite ongoing efforts by the IDF to detect and neutralize these tunnels.
The podcast raises concerns about the poor execution of the Oscars, the possibility of no longer needing to wear masks outdoors, and John Kerry's alleged communication with Iranians that may require him to appear before the Senate Intelligence Committee.
The text delves into the descent of American society into a Middle Eastern-style conspiracy-theory mindset, heavily influenced by the narrative around Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election and the Trump administration.
Four Orthodox rabbinic scholars, Michael Wygoda, J. David Bleich, Michael Broyde, and Itamar Warhaftig, assert that Jewish law permits torturing enemies in certain cases to save lives, contradicting contemporary Jewish opponents who argue all forms of torture are forbidden.
Senator Ron Wyden, who comes from a Jewish family that fled Nazi Germany, has been making a name for himself as a critic of President Obama's surveillance programs, questioning the administration's claims about the extent of spying on Americans.