Tag: Sitting Shiva

Attending a Jewish funeral and sitting shiva for a friend's mother led the author to reevaluate her relationship with religion, ultimately inspiring her decision to convert to Judaism.
Saar Margolis, a resident of the Israeli community Kibbutz Kissufim, was killed by Hamas terrorists.
Readers have been responding to The Forward's advice column, the Bintel Brief, on topics such as bullying, Nazi memorabilia, religious identity and sexuality, conversational etiquette, and disagreements on Israel.
The writer of the letter is estranged from their sister because of her views on Israel, which the writer considers antisemitic.
The author reflects on his experience of sitting shiva, the Jewish mourning practice, following his mother's death and how it affected his ability to watch the movie "Back to the Future Part II" when it was released.
In this episode, Miriam Herschlag, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss three main topics.
In this heartfelt personal reflection, the author describes his experience of sitting shiva for his father via Zoom during the pandemic.