Tag: Third Intifada

Avi Issacharoff, the co-creator of the television show 'Fauda', warns of impending violence in Israel and the Palestinian territories, suggesting the possibility of a third Intifada.
In this episode, Allison, Noah, and guest Miriam Herschlag discuss the ongoing violence and unrest in Israel, questioning how to stop the cycle of stabbings, shootings, and demonstrations.
The article discusses the recent surge of violence in Israel, questioning if it marks the beginning of a third Intifada, potentially orchestrated by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to reshape his legacy amid internal challenges.
The text discusses the current situation in Israel, questioning whether the recent violence signifies the start of a new intifada.
The discussion on 'Whither Jerusalem?' addresses the recent violence in Jerusalem and the debate on the potential start of the Third Intifada, proposing the idea of a divided city serving as a bridge between peoples.