Tag: United Nations General Assembly

The United Nations General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to elevate the status of the Palestine delegation, granting them the ability to submit proposals and amendments.
The relationship between President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is strained as they have diverging views on Israel's war in Gaza.
The United Nations General Assembly has approved a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war, with 153 nations in favor, 23 abstaining, and 10 countries, including Israel and the United States, voting against it.
Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, wore a yellow Star of David pinned to his suit jacket during a UN meeting in an effort to condemn Hamas.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to meet with Elon Musk during his visit to the United States.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams, after his recent trip to Israel, commended both Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the anti-Netanyahu protesters for their love and concern for Israel.
The author discusses the significance of Israel's Declaration of Independence in contemporary Israeli society.
Israeli PM Naftali Bennett addressed the United Nations General Assembly and the US Jewish community.