Tag: Yehoshua Pfeffer

In a 2021 podcast episode, Yehoshua Pfeffer, a haredi judge, editor, and rabbi, discusses the ongoing debate in Israeli politics about whether haredi Jews should be required to serve in the IDF.
Yehoshua Pfeffer discusses the ongoing judicial reform debate in Israel, highlighting that it is not just about specific constitutional issues but also reflects a larger conflict within Israeli society.
In a discussion on Israel's current judicial reform crisis, Yehoshua Pfeffer highlights the larger cultural and sociological conflict within Israeli society.
The podcast in question features 49 different guests who appeared in 44 episodes throughout 2021.
This exchange of articles explores the haredi (ultra-Orthodox) Jewish response to COVID-19.
In this article, the author responds to a previous critique of the Israeli haredi community's response to COVID-19.
The text explores two contrasting paradigms of repentance seen through anecdotes in the Talmud.