Tag: Yidlife Crisis

In this hilarious episode of YidLife Crisis, Jamie Elman and Eli Batalion attend the bris of their friend Abdul, who is converting to Judaism on Rosh Hashanah.
Montreal comedy duo YidLife Crisis has translated their Jewish humor into Chinese and French to broaden their global reach and appeal.
A Yiddish video clip about Jewish diners in a Chinese restaurant on Christmas has been released with Mandarin subtitles and shared on the Chinese video platform, Bilibili.
In this funny skit by YidLife Crisis, Jamie Elman and Eli Batalion comically depict the Jewish tradition of eating at a Chinese restaurant on Christmas.
During a break from their regular programming, the podcast "Shvitzing in August" features a re-aired interview with renowned climate activist Tzeporah Berman discussing the connection between Judaism and climate activism amidst increasing natural disasters and heat waves worldwide.
"YidLife Crisis," a Yiddish-language comedy series, addressed anti-Semitism in its season three finale episode titled "Anticementish."