Tag: Alon Tal

In this edition of "The Man in the Room Where It Happened," Noah Efron and outgoing Member of Knesset Alon Tal discuss the feasibility of right-center-left-Arab-Jewish politics in Israel, questioning whether the outgoing government demonstrated its possibility or impossibility.
In this podcast, Noah Efron and Alon Tal discuss two important topics: the possibility of right-center-left-Arab-Jewish politics in Israel, as demonstrated by the outgoing government, and whether Benny Gantz should break his promise and join Netanyahu's government to counter Kahanists and homophobia.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Sally Abed, and Noah Efron engage in a lively discussion on various significant topics including insights into Israel's new government coalition's plans and tensions, Benjamin Netanyahu's legacy, and Israeli societal discomfort with nudity.
Noah, filled with anxiety over the elections, finds comfort with Liquid Plumr, a garage band from Shuafat refugee camp that marked his transition to adulthood in Israel.
Alon Tal, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron discuss important topics such as the detention of journalist Peter Beinart for his activism, the feasibility of a Two-State solution considering Jewish settlements, and the future of Israel's Green Parties.
Alon Tal, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron discuss significant topics including the cautionary conversation with journalist Peter Beinart at Ben Gurion Airport on anti-Occupation activism, questioning if it signals a troubling trend.
The episode of "Why why why!" discussed stories about Chutzpah from various speakers like Gwen Dreilinger, Mel Lidman, Alon Tal, Chavi Karkowsky, Judy Maltz, and Ibrihim Ahadi.
The episode of "Why why why!" discussed the theme of Chutzpah through stories from various individuals.
In this edition, Noah, Alon Tal, and William Slott engage in a discussion covering the themes of managing population growth in Israel as highlighted in Tal's book "The Land is Full," raising questions about immigration policies and birth rates.
In a podcast episode titled "Standing Together or Coming Apart?" with special guest Alon Tal, Allison, Noah, and Alon discuss topics like interpreting current events in Israel, proposed changes in rape laws, and the political leanings of environmental organizations in Israel.