Tag: American Civil War

During the American Civil War from 1861 to 1865, Jews, though a minority in the population, played a significant role with approximately 10,000 Jewish men serving on both the Union and Confederate sides.
The article argues that the divisions in America are not actually between red and blue states, but rather between urban cores and their inner-ring suburbs (blue) and exurbs and rural areas (red) within metro areas.
The article discusses the history of the Confederate statue of General Stonewall Jackson at the Virginia Military Institute (VMI) and its connection to the Jewish artist Moses Jacob Ezekiel.
The discussion revolves around the political history related to the biblical figure Queen Esther and her influence on Western politics during moments of great polarization.
General Ulysses S. Grant issued an order to expel Jews from areas under his command during the Civil War as he believed it would curb illegal trading, although many non-Jews were also involved in such activities.