Tag: Anti Semitic Attacks

In this discussion, scholars Laura S. Lieber and Judah Cohen, along with host Avishay Artsy, delve into the significance of Kol Nidre - the opening prayer recited at the beginning of Yom Kippur services.
The American Jewish Committee (AJC) recently published a survey claiming that 3% of American Jewish adults were victims of antisemitic physical attacks in the past year, which would equal around 174,000 people.
The Sephardic Heritage Museum is dedicated to preserving the history and culture of the Jewish communities in Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, and other regions dating back 3,000 years.
Michael Caputo, a former Trump campaign official and current spokesman for the Department of Health and Human Services, made controversial tweets accusing George Soros and the Rothschild family of exploiting the pandemic for control and personal agendas.
The article discusses the recent increase in anti-Semitic attacks against Orthodox Jews, particularly in the New York area, highlighting incidents of physical violence and verbal abuse.
Dovid Bergelson, a prominent Yiddish novelist loyal to the Soviet government, was executed by Stalin in 1952.