Tag: Besht

This episode discusses whether calling Tanya "Chassidic Philosophy" is accurate and explores the differences between how individuals in the Chassidic and Litvish worlds approach fulfilling mitzvot.
The episode discusses the early life of Rabbi Elimelech of Lizenshk, exploring how a person from the Tiktin area became a prominent leader of Chassidism in Galicia and delving into his journey of becoming a Chassid.
This episode discusses the challenge of being involved in conflict and the basic pattern of conflict, briefly outlining the historical events surrounding the Besht and Magid of Mezritch, including when they lived and their primary talmidim.
In this episode, Rabbi Kook's statement about a potential relationship between Spinoza's pantheistic ideas and the teachings of the Besht is explored.
In this discussion, the focus is on understanding the Vilna Gaon's opposition to the Besht, particularly in relation to their approaches to Haalas Nitzotzim.
In this episode, the discussion centers around the concept of Haalas Nitzotzim, raising the sparks, a key issue that the Vilna Gaon debated with the Besht.
In this episode, the focus is on the significant letter written by the Vilna Gaon in 1796, where he explains his objections to the ideas of the Besht (founder of Hasidism).
In this podcast episode by Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein, we explore the meeting between the Maggid of Mezritch and the Besht, focusing on how the Besht persuaded the Maggid to become his student.
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein discusses the Holy Letter and its role in sparking a controversy, delves into the soul's ascension and its relation to prophecy, and questions whether the Besht could be deemed a false prophet.
In this episode, Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein delves into the Ramban's perspective on Hoshgocha Pratit, God's direct involvement in the world, and compares it to the approach of the Besht (Baal Shem Tov).
This podcast episode delves into the theological ideas of the Baal Shem Tov (Besht), particularly focusing on Divine Providence (Hashgacha Pratit) and how it differs from the perspectives of other Jewish scholars like the Vilna Gaon.
This episode discusses two main types of opposition to the Besht and Chassidic tradition.
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein discusses the presence of the Baal Shem Tov (Besht) in Mezhibozh, exploring if the Besht faced opposition upon moving there and examining available historical documentation on this.
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein delves into the life and controversies surrounding the Besht's first marriage in a podcast episode focused on Jewish history.