Tag: Beth Tzedec Congregation

Jewish author Mitch Albom, known for his bestselling inspirational books, delves explicitly into Jewish themes in his latest novel, "The Little Liar," set in Greece during the Holocaust.
The article "A Good Rabbi is Hard to Find" discusses the evolving role of rabbis in response to changing communal needs and declining synagogue attendance.
In episode 67 of "Unorthodox," recorded at Beth Tzedec Congregation in Toronto, David Bezmozgis, a writer and filmmaker, shares concerns about the dangers of a Trump presidency, advocating for Americans to stay and fight rather than flee to Canada.
In episode 66 of "A Little on the Nose, History," a live event featuring former U.S. Congressman Barney Frank is discussed.
In Episode 65 of the podcast "Super Tuesday," Jewish and non-Jewish guests discuss the upcoming election.