Tag: Comic Books

Rabbi Victor Urecki of Charleston, West Virginia, gained local fame for his ambitious Lego projects.
A recent event involving the swearing in of a new member of Congress sparked discussion when it was revealed that the member chose to place a rare Superman comic book, along with a copy of the Constitution and family mementos, on the table.
In this episode of Unorthodox, the hosts discuss Funny Girl casting shakeups and share letters from camp.
The writer reflects on how discovering the Jewish background of comic creators such as Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster, and Stan Lee helped him embrace his heritage while reconnecting with his faith.
In episode 36 of "Unorthodox," the hosts interview writer Jillian Keenan about her book "Sex with Shakespeare," which explores her interests in BDSM and Shakespeare, discussing her connection to Caliban from The Tempest.
The article discusses the work of comics scholar Steve Bergson, who explores comic books with Jewish content, highlighting various Jewish superheroes and stories within the comic book world.