Tag: Coronation

The holiday of Rosh Hashanah, although not mentioned by name in the Torah, is explored in the Talmud and is associated with the sounding of the shofar.
In this podcast episode, the hosts start by differing on the significance of King Charles's coronation but find common ground in critiquing a negative poll for Joe Biden.
In a podcast episode titled "Mother's Boy," the hosts discuss the upcoming coronation of King Charles in London and the unique relationship between the King and Jews.
King Charles III of the United Kingdom has offered the Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis and his wife a sleepover at his residence, Clarence House, so that they can attend the coronation which falls on a Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath.
"Kivnei Maron" is a poem written during the Ten Days of Repentance by a speaker who was quarantined in Jerusalem after returning from a family emergency in America.