Tag: Counterfactual History

Holocaust scholars have criticized Elon Musk's claim that the Holocaust could have been prevented with the existence of social media.
The article discusses the concept of hypothetical scenarios and their exploration in different genres, namely history, science, and halakhah (Jewish law).
In "The Holocaust Averted: An Alternate History of American Jews, 1938-1967," Yeshiva University's Jeffrey S. Gurock explores a counterfactual scenario where the outcome of World War II was different.
In "The Holocaust Averted: An Alternate History of American Jews, 1938-1967," Jeffrey S. Gurock explores a hypothetical scenario where the outcome of World War II was different and the Holocaust did not occur.
In "The Holocaust Averted: An Alternate History of American Jews, 1938-1967," Jeffrey S. Gurock, a Jewish history professor at Yeshiva University, explores what might have happened to American Jews if World War II had not unfolded as it did.