Tag: Ethno Nationalism

In the recent legislative elections in France, Marine Le Pen's extreme-right-wing party, the National Rally, achieved an unprecedented victory with one in three French citizens voting for them in the first round.
This video discusses the recent passage of part of the judicial overhaul bill in Israel and offers a perspective on the movement against the Israeli government.
The author discusses the complex relationship between American Jews and Israel, particularly for non-Orthodox Jews.
A museum exhibition in Berlin sheds light on how the Nazis manipulated Martin Luther's anti-Semitic writings to advance their agenda, particularly showcasing his work "On The Jews And Their Lies."
Chaim Gans, a political philosopher and law professor at Tel Aviv University, makes a notable contribution with his book "A Just Zionism: On the Morality of the Jewish State," which revisits and refashions the liberal argument supporting Zionism.