Tag: Haredi Women

In this op-ed, the author reflects on the need for Jewish philanthropy to support Jewish refugees who have been internally displaced due to the ongoing war in Israel.
Rebbetzin Bruria Hutner David, who passed away in April 2023, is known for her involvement in her father's Torah work, Pachad Yitzchak, and her Ph. D. from Columbia University.
Dr. Bat Sheva Marcus, a 59-year-old Modern Orthodox sex therapist, is gaining acclaim for her work in treating Haredi women and advocating for better sex education in Orthodox Jewish communities.
Rabbi Refoel Kreuzer in Jerusalem started a program called Midreshet Otot to teach Haredi women Talmud, a rare and controversial practice in Israel.
Malka Schaps, a Haredi theoretical mathematician, made history as Israel's first female Haredi dean at Bar-Ilan University.