Tag: Hudson Institute

Despite initial hopes of Trump's departure, the former president remains a strong player in Republican primaries, with notable challenger Nikki Haley still drawing significant support.
Gadi Taub, an author and historian, has written a bestseller called The Rise of Antidemocratic Liberalism: Israel, the United States, and the West, which is being translated into English.
Israel Update is a video podcast hosted by Gadi Taub and Michael Doran, providing news from Israel and offering an insider perspective on the war.
In this discussion moderated by Liel Leibovitz, a panel of analysts from Tablet Magazine's Middle East team examines the recent devastating attacks in Israel and discusses the country's next steps.
"What Really Matters" is a podcast hosted by Walter Russell Mead and Jeremy Stern, brought to you by Tablet Magazine and Hudson Institute.
Tod Lindberg from The Hudson Institute discusses the legacy of Mikhail Gorbachev, questioning whether he was a purposeful change agent or a fool of fortune.