Tag: Jewish Sages

This podcast episode discusses the indications of the Messianic Era according to Jewish teachings.
The author explores the question of whether children should be brought to synagogue.
In this article, Elli Fischer discusses the presence of diseases and plagues in the Tokhehah, a section of Deuteronomy that outlines the curses that will befall the Jewish people if they do not follow God's commandments.
The burning of Jewish books throughout history, such as during the Trial of the Talmud, has been a cruel punishment experienced by the Jewish people.
The discussion in Tractate Avoda Zara of the Talmud delves into the regulation of Jewish relationships with non-Jews, with a focus on how Jews should navigate interactions with gentiles.
The author reflects on growing up in New York City's Lower East Side, recalling the immigrant neighborhood's synagogues, kosher delis, and colorful characters who influenced his worldview.