Tag: Jewish Student Safety

Over 40 Yale students have been arrested for pro-Palestine demonstrations, with campus protests escalating across the country.
President Joe Biden addressed the pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses, emphasizing the importance of maintaining order while preserving the right to protest.
The Biden administration has denounced the pro-Palestinian student occupation of a Columbia University building, specifically criticizing their use of the term "intifada" as hate speech.
Pro-Palestinian protests inspired by Columbia University's example have spread to colleges across the United States, leading to confrontations and arrests, with some incidents turning violent.
Israel studies professor Ron Hassner has concluded his two-week sit-in at UC Berkeley's office, satisfied with the commitments made by the university to address concerns regarding the safety of Jewish students on campus.
A recent report by the advocacy group Stop Antisemitism found that out of 24 major college and university diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, only two had specific programming or materials related to antisemitism.