Tag: Joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action

The text discusses the contentious relationship between former U.S. President Barack Obama and Israel, highlighting key issues that caused tension.
The author argues that the Iran nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), has had disastrous consequences.
The text discusses the Iran Deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), and its significance.
Purloined Iranian government emails reveal that the now-suspended Iran envoy Robert Malley funded and directed an Iranian intelligence operation to influence the U.S. and allied governments.
The article discusses the growing strategic alliance between Russia and Iran and criticizes the Biden administration for ignoring this reality.
President Joe Biden's envoy, Robert Malley, is seeking to revive a weaker version of Barack Obama's nuclear deal with Iran.
This text argues that President Biden and Russian President Putin are actually working together, despite the public perception of tension between them.
This article discusses the possibility of the Islamic Republic of Iran experiencing collapse or regime change by the year 2030.
Benjamin Netanyahu's controversial speech to the U.S. Congress in 2015 criticizing the Iran nuclear deal unintentionally accelerated the rapprochement between Israel and several Arab states.
In this discussion, AJC Jerusalem Director Avital Leibovich, AJC Transatlantic Institute Director Daniel Schwammenthal, and AJC Chief Policy and Political Affairs Officer Jason Isaacson examine the current state of U.S. policy on Iran and whether policymakers have learned from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.
The article discusses the recent reopening of negotiations between six world powers and Iran regarding the 2015 nuclear deal, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which the United States withdrew from in 2018.
Army veteran Jackie Gordon is running as the Democratic candidate to challenge Rep. Peter King (R-NY) in New York's 2nd district.
Israel has long adhered to the Begin Doctrine, which aims to prevent its enemies from acquiring weapons of mass destruction, as seen when Israel destroyed nuclear facilities in Iraq and Syria.
The text discusses the implications of Iran's recent strikes on Saudi Arabia relating to their nuclear ambitions and the complexities of US foreign policy in the Middle East.
The article discusses a debate about the Obama Administration's tactics in selling the Iran deal and the perceived anti-Semitic undertones in the White House's campaign.
The New York Times has accused Republican lawmakers opposing the Iran nuclear deal of being more loyal to Israel's Prime Minister than to the U.S. President.