Tag: Judeo Arabic

The author discusses their work on personal letters from the Cairo Geniza, focusing on the daily life of Andalusian Jews.
In "Crazy Rich Sephardim" by Jonathan Kaufman, the author focuses on the interconnected stories of the Sassoon and Kadoorie families, two prominent Sephardic Jewish dynasties.
Albert Memmi, a Tunisian writer, has gained both admiration and criticism for his commitment to telling the whole truth in his writings since the 1950s.
Solomon Schechter's discovery of the Cairo Geniza in 1896, a collection of discarded Hebrew and Judeo-Arabic manuscripts from the Ben Ezra Synagogue, revealed a trove of Jewish historical and literary treasures, including writings from the Exilarchs, Jewish philosophers like Saadya Gaon and Maimonides, and poets such as Shmuel Ha-nagid and Yehuda Halevi.