Daily Podcasts Video Research
Jewish Action How Well Do You Know the Arba Minim? 10 Oct
While the article itself is not provided, it likely discusses the arba minim, the four species used in the Jewish festival of Sukkot. These include the etrog...
10 Oct
Jewish Action The Great Jewish Awakening 23 Sep
Following the wave of antisemitism that erupted after the attacks in Israel on October 7, American Jews have been experiencing a religious and cultural resur...
23 Sep
Jewish Action Is the Orthodox Community Doing Enough? 23 Sep
Following recent global events, there is a renewed urgency for outreach (kiruv) among unaffiliated Jews. Outreach professionals emphasize the need for broad ...
23 Sep
Jewish Action Teshuvah After October 7 23 Sep
Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen reflects on a spiritual transformation within the Jewish community sparked by the events of October 7, 2023. This day marked a resurge...
23 Sep
Jewish Action One Year Later: How October 7 Changed Me 23 Sep
In the reflection pieces gathered by JA Mag, several Jewish individuals recount how the events of October 7 prompted them to engage more deeply with their fa...
23 Sep
Jewish Action Supporting At-Risk Youth in Israel Post–October 7 23 Sep
Following the traumatic events of October 7, Israeli youth, particularly those at risk, face a deepening crisis. These young individuals, often from challeng...
23 Sep
Jewish Action The Eruv Revolution 23 Sep
Modern technology and professionalization have transformed the eruv industry, spearheading significant advancements in eruv design, construction, and mainten...
23 Sep
Jewish Action The Eruv Maven: Meet Rabbi Micah Shotkin 23 Sep
Rabbi Micah Shotkin has carved a unique niche as a full-time professional eruv builder, serving communities in Passaic, Teaneck, and beyond. His expertise is...
23 Sep
Jewish Action A New Normal? 23 Sep
The article by Sandy Eller discusses recent incidents of pro-Palestinian protests targeting synagogues across North America, marking a troubling escalation i...
23 Sep
Jewish Action Joining the Ranks of Jewish History 23 Sep
In the face of increased antisemitic threats, rabbis like Elliot Schrier and Yaakov Trump argue that these challenges offer unexpected opportunities for unit...
23 Sep
Jewish Action The Artistry of the Etrog Box 23 Sep
Exploring the artistic evolution of the etrog box, this article delves into the concept of 'hiddur mitzvah,' which emphasizes beautifying the performance of ...
23 Sep
Jewish Action Is it Time for a Deep Dive into Feelings? 23 Sep
Moishe Bane reflects on the often overlooked but crucial role of emotions in Orthodox Jewish practice, questioning why deeper emotional engagement is not emp...
23 Sep
Jewish Action Letters – Fall 2024 23 Sep
The fall 2024 edition of JA Mag's "Letters" section provides a variety of perspectives about Jewish life and experiences related to the military, community s...
23 Sep
Jewish Action Lema’an Achai V’Rei’ai: Pursuing Unity 23 Sep
Rabbi Moshe Hauer emphasizes the urgent need for unity among Jews, stressing that overcoming internal divisiveness is critical for the collective strength of...
23 Sep
Jewish Action Bring Your Jewish Self to Work 23 Sep
Post-October 7, a surge in Jewish identity exploration has been observed globally, prompting discussions about integrating Jewish identity into professional ...
23 Sep
Jewish Action Four Traits of Successful Social Entrepreneurs 23 Sep
In the face of significant global challenges impacting the Jewish community, Tamar Frydman, director of the OU Impact Accelerator, outlines the crucial trait...
23 Sep
Jewish Action Kosher Conundrums: Answers to kashrus questions you never thought to ask 23 Sep
Navigating the complexities of kosher labeling, this piece explores surprising questions about kashrut. It clarifies misunderstandings about "non-dairy" labe...
23 Sep
Jewish Action What’s the Truth about . . . Milchemet Mitzvah? 23 Sep
The concept of "milchemet mitzvah" refers to wars that are religiously mandated according to Jewish law. One common misconception is that a war can only be c...
23 Sep
Jewish Action Squash Sensations for the Holiday Table 23 Sep
Naomi Ross explores the culinary and symbolic significance of squash in Jewish holiday cooking, particularly during autumn. She highlights the versatility of...
23 Sep
Jewish Action Squash Sensations for the Holiday Table 23 Sep
Naomi Ross explores the versatility and historical significance of gourds and squash, highlighting their culinary potential for holiday gatherings. She delve...
23 Sep
Jewish Action Rosh Hashanah: Let There Be Light 23 Sep
Rabbi Norman Lamm's sermon, originally delivered in 1961 and excerpted in the book 'Festivals of Faith,' explores the theme of clarity amid confusion during ...
23 Sep
Jewish Action Rav Schachter on Pirkei Avos: Insights and Commentary Based on the Shiurim of Rav Hershel Schachter 23 Sep
Rabbi Hershel Schachter has not only played a pivotal role as a communal leader and educator but has also diligently transmitted the rich tradition of Torah ...
23 Sep
Jewish Action Masters of the Word: Traditional Jewish Bible Commentary from the Twelfth through Fourteenth Centuries (Vol. 3) 23 Sep
"Masters of the Word: Traditional Jewish Bible Commentary from the Twelfth through Fourteenth Centuries (Vol. 3)" by Rabbi Yonatan Kolatch is reviewed by Rab...
23 Sep
Jewish Action Kaddish Around the World: Uplifting and Inspiring Stories 23 Sep
Rabbi Gedalia Zweig's latest book, "Kaddish Around the World," features uplifting stories demonstrating the unifying power of the Kaddish prayer across diver...
23 Sep
Jewish Action Reviews in Brief – Fall 2024 23 Sep
Rabbi Gil Student reviews two important books on distinctive aspects of Jewish life and thought. Rabbi Zecharya Greenwald's "Life after Teshuvah" addresses t...
23 Sep
Jewish Action Holy Pineapples 23 Sep
Tania Hammer recounts her unexpected venture into pineapple sales to support a farmer named Noam during a challenging time in Israel. Amidst war and uncertai...
23 Sep
Jewish Action Ahavat Yisrael: A Grave Matter 19 Sep
In 2008, members of Temple Beth Jacob, a Reform synagogue in Newburgh, New York, discovered neglected Jewish graves on a steep hillside, prompting an effort ...
19 Sep
Jewish Action Yom Kippur: Tips for a Focused, Energized Day 18 Sep
In his article, Chaim Loeb provides practical advice on how to physically prepare for Yom Kippur to maintain focus and energy during the 25-hour fast. Key ti...
18 Sep
Jewish Action Sense and Sensibilities 18 Sep
Bryna Jocheved Levy explores the transformative impact of women's involvement in Torah study across Jewish communities today. The evolution from a basic hala...
18 Sep
Jewish Action My Response to October 7 18 Sep
Three personal reflections on the aftermath of the October 7, 2023, Simchat Torah attacks in Israel are shared, each expressing the profound impact on their ...
18 Sep
Jewish Action Who is Buried in the Vilna Gaon’s Tomb? 18 Sep
The commemoration of the 200th yahrzeit of the Vilna Gaon highlighted discrepancies and myths surrounding his final resting place. The Gaon, a towering Jewis...
18 Sep
Jewish Action The Heavenly Scoreboard: A Chanukah Lesson 18 Sep
Reflecting on a mischievous student who disrupted a yeshivah with a goat, Yosef M. Gesser draws a parallel between this incident and the Biblical story of Mo...
18 Sep
Jewish Action A Flash of Chesed Lighting the Night 18 Sep
In the aftermath of the Swissair Flight 111 disaster, members of the Orthodox Union (OU) demonstrated remarkable chesed (kindness) by assisting Jewish famili...
18 Sep
Jewish Action Whats The Truth About. . .Tashlich? 9 Sep
The tashlich ritual, traditionally performed on Rosh Hashanah, involves symbolically casting one's sins into a body of water. However, misconceptions about t...
9 Sep
Jewish Action Healthy Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies 22 Aug
Naomi Ross, a notable cooking instructor and food writer, presents a wholesome recipe for Healthy Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies that blend the qualities of a gra...
22 Aug
Jewish Action Return to the Hurva 15 Aug
The Hurva Synagogue in the Old City of Jerusalem, once destroyed by the Jordanians, has been rebuilt and restored to its former grandeur with a cost of NIS 4...
15 Aug
Jewish Action A Tishah B’Av Lament for October 7th 6 Aug
On Tishah B'Av, a day of mourning in Jewish tradition, various tragedies in Jewish history, including the destruction of the Beit HaMikdash (Holy Temples), a...
6 Aug
Jewish Action A Tisha b’Av Lament for October 7th 6 Aug
Tisha b'Av, a day of mourning in Jewish tradition, commemorates a range of historical tragedies, including the destruction of the Holy Temples. Kinot prayers...
6 Aug
Jewish Action Talk or No Talk? 5 Aug
The author reflects on the importance of knowing when to speak and when to stay silent, drawing parallels between a visit to a barbershop in London where he ...
5 Aug
Jewish Action The Evangelical Right: Trojan Horse or Knight in Shining Armor? 23 Jul
The relationship between Jews and the evangelical Christian Right has sparked debate within the Jewish community. Evangelicals, a significant group within Ch...
23 Jul
Jewish Action Do We Deserve the Land? Two Prominent Rabbis Debate the Theological Significance of the Withdrawal 23 Jul
Rabbi Amnon Bazak of Yeshivat Har Etzion argues that the proposed Gaza withdrawal is a punishment for the nation's sins, emphasizing that settling the land i...
23 Jul
Jewish Action Orthodoxy Awakens: The Belkin Era and Yeshiva University 22 Jul
The text discusses the role of Rabbi Dr. Samuel Belkin, the second president of what is now Yeshiva University, in shaping American Modern Orthodoxy in the m...
22 Jul
Jewish Action Remnant of Israel: A Portrait of America’s First Jewish Congregation 22 Jul
"Remnant of Israel: A Portrait of America's First Jewish Congregation" by Rabbi Marc Angel provides an insightful and accessible history of Shearith Israel, ...
22 Jul
Jewish Action Summer Reading 27 Jun
"Summer Reading" presents three Jewish-themed books: "Bylines and Blessings" by Judy Gruen, describing her journey from secular upbringing to an Orthodox lif...
27 Jun
Jewish Action Jews of Arab Countries: The Loss of Ancestral Inheritance 20 Jun
Jews have a long history in Arab countries, predating the Arab conquests. In 1948, over 870,000 Jews lived in the Middle East and North Africa, but by 1958, ...
20 Jun
Jewish Action Religion on the Battlefield 20 Jun
The text discusses the role of religion on the battlefield. It likely covers topics such as the influence of faith on soldiers, the role of chaplains in the ...
20 Jun
Jewish Action What Does the Torah Have to Say about Military Ethics? 20 Jun
The discussion delves into the Torah's teachings on military ethics, particularly in the context of Israel's past conflicts. Rabbi Shlomo Goren's ruling duri...
20 Jun
Jewish Action Questions from the Battlefield 20 Jun
Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon, a respected posek, educator, and community rabbi who interacts with soldiers, shares insights on halachic dilemmas faced by soldiers d...
20 Jun
Jewish Action On the Frontlines with Rabbi Shlomo Sobol 20 Jun
Rabbi Shlomo Sobol, a prominent figure in the Jewish community, addresses various challenges faced by congregants during wartime, including soldiers' dilemma...
20 Jun
Jewish Action The Holiest Work 20 Jun
Miriam Neumark Shalev, head of the Tziporit military bases chevra kadisha unit for women, discusses the work of the IDF chevra kadishas womens unit in prepar...
20 Jun