Tag: Lawrence Kaplan

Professor Avraham (Rami) Reiner examines Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein's views on academic Talmud study in his recent essay, suggesting a shift in Lichtenstein's stance over time from rejection to partial acceptance.
The symposium titled "The Market for Gedolim" brings together various writers providing reflections on the topic raised by Chaim Saiman's recent work for Lehrhaus.
Josef Stern provides a thoughtful response to Lawrence Kaplan's critique of his reading of Maimonides' "The Guide of the Perplexed," acknowledging that Maimonides' statements about God's pleasure and anger are not to be taken literally but hold deeper implications about the value of truth.
Josef Stern responds to Lawrence Kaplan's praise of his book "The Matter and Form of Maimonides Guide" by discussing key issues raised.