Tag: Mosaic

Elliott Abrams discusses the rise of American Jewish anti-Zionists who have joined anti-Israel protests, attributing their views to a deeper rejection of Israel as a moral burden on the Jewish conscience rather than mere disagreements with Israeli policies or leaders.
Seth Kaplan, in his book "Fragile Neighborhoods," analyzes the current state of American neighborhoods, pointing out their fragility due to issues like loneliness and a struggling education system.
In this episode of the Tikvah Podcast, the focus is on the transformation of the narrative around the Palestinian predicament.
In her book "People Love Dead Jews," novelist Dara Horn explores the complex role of Jews in the Western conscience.
In this live discussion between Mosaic editor Jonathan Silver and Yoav Sorek, the editor of Hashiloach, they explore the role of Jewish magazines in cultivating important ideas.
In a recorded live discussion, Mosaic editor Jonathan Silver and Yoav Sorek, editor of Hashiloach, a quarterly journal in Israel, discuss the role of Jewish magazines and the state of Jewish ideas.
The New York Times published an article called "In Hasidic Enclaves, Failing Private Schools Flush with Public Money," which claimed that hasidic Jewish religious schools in New York receive a significant amount of government funding but provide poor secular education, practice corporal punishment, and evade outside oversight.
The 125th anniversary of the First Zionist Congress, led by Theodor Herzl, was commemorated by the World Zionist Organization in Basel.
Robert Nicholson discusses the changing landscape of evangelical Zionism in a podcast.
This article discusses the concept of the "New Jew" in Israel, which emerged before the state's founding, with the idea that the new Jewish state would bring about a new type of Jew free from diaspora history and traditions.
In her book "Rethinking Sex," Christine Emba explores the idea that consent alone is not enough for modern sexual ethics.
Yuval Levin discusses the concept of freedom in relation to the Passover holiday and the Exodus narrative.
In this podcast episode, policy researcher Andy Smarick discusses the government's role in strengthening American families.
In this podcast, policy researcher Andy Smarick discusses the government's role in strengthening American families.
Ruth Wisse, a professor emerita at Harvard and columnist for Mosaic, explores the role of modern Jewish literature and its impact on Jewish culture and identity.