Tag: Nemat Shafik

Nemat Minouche Shafik, a baroness, economist, immigrant, and Muslim American, is facing criticism as the president of Columbia University amidst turmoil over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on campus.
In a discussion about antisemitism on college campuses, the responses of university presidents to whether calling for the genocide of Jews violates codes of conduct have raised concerns.
The article discusses a congressional hearing where Columbia University president Dr. Nemat Shafik testified about the university's handling of antisemitism on campus.
Columbia University's President Nemat Shafik, along with other senior leaders at the university, addressed congressional concerns about combating antisemitism on campus amid rising tensions related to the Israel-Hamas war.
Columbia University President Nemat Shafik testified before Congress about antisemitism on her campus, following tensions related to the Israel-Hamas war.