Tag: New Hampshire

In a podcast episode, Eliana Johnson analyzes Nikki Haley's recent speech in New Hampshire, describing it as unusually triumphant despite her loss, and contrasts it with Donald Trump's negative tone in his speech following a win.
Pro-Palestinian activists in New Hampshire are urging voters to write in "ceasefire" on their ballots in the upcoming primary, as a way to send a message to President Joe Biden to press Israel into a ceasefire in its war with Hamas.
The text discusses speculation on Nikki Haley's standing in the New Hampshire political race, following an endorsement suggesting she may not win.
This article discusses the current state of the Republican presidential nomination race, particularly in Iowa and New Hampshire, which are seen as influential in determining the eventual nominee.
The podcast discusses Donald Trump's successful performance at a CNN Republican Town Hall in New Hampshire, highlighting the intense Twitter reactions and criticism towards CNN's Kaitlan Collins for not hindering Trump's effectiveness.
In a podcast episode discussing current polling data, it is highlighted that President Biden is experiencing record low approval ratings for post-war presidents at this point in their terms.