Tag: Operation Protective Edge

Ofer Winter, a departing IDF officer known for his hawkish views and ties to the religious Zionist community, has become a central figure in Israeli politics as right-wing parties vie to recruit him following his recent release from the military.
The author, reflecting on their extensive experience covering Israel and Gaza, admits to misconceptions after a devastating terror attack in Israel, where more Jews were killed in a day than since the Holocaust, emphasizing the brutality of Hamas.
Hananya Naftali, an Israeli social media influencer, has gained popularity by sharing his perspective on Israel and advocating for the Jewish people.
This article discusses the issue of Israel's dependence on U.S. military aid and argues that it is time for Israel to stop relying on such assistance.
Leah Goldin has spent the past seven years fighting to bring her son Hadar home after he was taken captive by Hamas during the 2014 conflict between Israel and Gaza.
A father takes a walk with his 10-year-old daughter in Israel and is surprised by her sudden right-wing views on politics and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, diverging from his own beliefs.
In this podcast episode, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the idea of potentially dividing Israel into smaller, more culturally and ideologically homogenous localities to better serve their populations, debate the differing media coverage of Operation Protective Edge in Israel versus other countries, and explore why Prime Minister Netanyahu recently emphasized not eating non-kosher foods to a journalist, prompting questions about the role of secularism in Israeli leadership.
The text discusses the ethical considerations surrounding Israel's military operations, particularly focusing on Operation Protective Edge against Hamas.
In a podcast episode, host Noah Efron interviews IDF reservist Gilad Halpern, a conscientious objector who spent time in military jail for objecting to his call-up during Operation Protective Edge, discussing how conscientious objection fits into Israel's political landscape.
The article discusses the challenges Israel faces in its public relations efforts due to incidents like the killing of four children playing soccer on a Gaza beach by Israeli shells during Operation Protective Edge.