Tag: Organ Donation

The documentary "Mourning in Lod" explores the interconnected stories of two murders in Israel in May 2021, where a Jewish man, Yigal Yehoshua, was killed by Arab rioters and his family donated his organs to an Arab woman, Randa Aweis.
Rabbi Shlomo Brody, director of an organization focused on aging, end-of-life care, and organ donation, discusses the topic of capital punishment within the Jewish tradition.
This article discusses the importance of organ donation within the Jewish community.
This text is a personal reflection on the experience of grief and loss.
As we reflect on the past year during Rosh Hashanah, a Jewish holiday that focuses on our shared humanity, we must also consider the iniquity of inequity in organ donation within the Jewish community.
Rabbi Zev Farber talks about his books on Jewish law and organ donation, illustrating how Jewish law is evolving to address modern issues.
The text discusses the concept of gifts of the body within Jewish tradition, focusing on ethical wills, organ donation, and whole body donation.