Tag: Oslo Agreement

The text discusses the push for recognition of a Palestinian state by various countries, highlighting concerns about the viability and nature of such a state.
Dana El Kurd, a political science professor and expert on the Palestinian national movement, will be discussing Mahmoud Abbas in a Zoom call cosponsored with Jewish Currents.
In this discussion, journalist Adam Rasgon delves into Palestinian politics with Neri Zilber.
Neri Zilber and journalist Adam Rasgon discuss the intricate dynamics of Palestinian politics, focusing on the article "The Palestinian Leader Who Survived the Death of Palestine" by Rasgon and Aaron Boxerman in Foreign Policy Magazine.
Political analyst Yossi Alpher warns that President Trump's efforts to broker Israeli-Palestinian peace, while commendable, could potentially lead to violence if not carefully managed.
Shimon Peres, a renowned statesman known for his long career in public service and commitment to peace in the Middle East, was remembered by some Israelis as a humble neighbor who lived in a modest apartment with his wife near Tel Aviv University.