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Between The Lines Can An Army Strike Its Terrorist Enemies Yet Minimize Civilian Casualties? Ask Israel 20 Sep
The article by Gary Rosenblatt examines Israel's strategic military actions against Hezbollah in the context of ongoing regional conflict and international s...
20 Sep
Between The Lines How To Evaluate Media Coverage Of This War 18 Sep
Gary Rosenblatt critiques the pervasive lack of context and bias in media coverage of the Israel-Palestinian conflict, emphasizing the need for accurate and ...
18 Sep
Between The Lines All The News That’s Fit To Tint 16 Sep
The article discusses the complex relationship between The New York Times and its Jewish readership, particularly regarding perceived biases in the paper's c...
16 Sep
Between The Lines How And Why The Media Targets Israel 12 Sep
Gary Rosenblatt discusses the perceived biases in media portrayals of Israel, emphasizing how mainstream outlets, like The New York Times, may unfairly equat...
12 Sep
Between The Lines Can 9 Minutes Make A Difference? 23 Aug
At the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Jon Polin and Rachel Goldberg-Polin made a moving appeal for their son Hersh and the hostages held by Hamas...
23 Aug
Between The Lines Tisha B’Av Looms As Israelis Brace For Attack 12 Aug
As Israelis prepare for potential attacks from enemies like Hezbollah and Iran coinciding with the solemn day of Tisha B'Av, a historical day of mourning for...
12 Aug
Between The Lines Why Not Josh? 7 Aug
Josh Shapiro, the popular governor of Pennsylvania, was not chosen as Kamala Harris' vice-presidential pick, with concerns raised that his Jewish identity an...
7 Aug
Between The Lines Will The U.S. Step Up And Defend Israel? 5 Aug
The text discusses the ongoing tensions between Israel and Iran, emphasizing the need for the U.S. to provide strong support for Israel in the face of Irania...
5 Aug
Between The Lines Why No Mention Of ‘The Other’ Americans Held Captive? 2 Aug
Amidst the extensive media coverage of the recent prisoner swap with Russia and the release of prominent individuals like Wall Street Journal reporter Evan G...
2 Aug
Between The Lines Mission Accomplished, Four Decades And Countless Deaths Later 1 Aug
Fuad Shakr, the second in command of Hezbollah, was recently targeted and killed by an Israeli missile in Beirut. Shakr was responsible for numerous terror a...
1 Aug
Between The Lines Bibi In Congress: One Speech, Two Reactions 26 Jul
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to the U.S. Congress emphasized the shared fight against evil in the Middle East and the importance of Israel-US ...
26 Jul
Between The Lines The Speech That Netanyahu SHOULD Give In Congress 23 Jul
In this piece, the hypothetical speech Netanyahu should deliver in Congress is outlined, drawing parallels to the leadership examples set by Moses, George Wa...
23 Jul
Between The Lines Somber Realities Take Hold Here And In Israel 10 Jul
The text discusses somber realities facing Jews in America and Israel. In America, there are concerns about Iran's influence on pro-Hamas protests, the threa...
10 Jul
Between The Lines A Heroic Mother In Israel 3 Jul
The book "Henrietta Szold: Hadassah and the Zionist Dream" by Francine Klagsbrun delves into the life of Henrietta Szold, an influential American-born Jewish...
3 Jul
Between The Lines The Dirty Little Secret About A Palestinian State 25 Jun
The text discusses the push for recognition of a Palestinian state by various countries, highlighting concerns about the viability and nature of such a state...
25 Jun
Between The Lines Thinking The Unthinkable 17 Jun
The text discusses the author's deeply unsettling realization that the State of Israel may not have a guaranteed long-term survival due to various threats, i...
17 Jun
Between The Lines Scoop: New U.S. College Exam To Promote Anti-Israel Protests 6 Jun
A satirical piece discusses a new exam at U.S. universities aimed at promoting anti-Israel activism and potentially targeting pro-Israel or Jewish students. ...
6 Jun
Between The Lines A ‘Hallowed Space’ In Downtown New York 30 May
The Nova Music Festival Exhibit in Lower Manhattan commemorates the tragic event on October 7 where over 360 people were murdered during a music festival in ...
30 May
Between The Lines Israel’s Most Eloquent Defender 29 May
Tal Becker, a prominent Israeli expert, recently defended Israel against genocide accusations at the International Court of Justice, emphasizing the country'...
29 May
Between The Lines The World War II Hero Who Lived Upstairs 26 May
The text discusses the author's realization of living near a World War II naval hero, Adm. Leon Kintberger, and reflects on his heroic actions in the Pacific...
26 May
Between The Lines Counting On Each Other 21 May
During the period between Passover and Shavuot known as The Omer, marked by counting 49 days, parallels are drawn between historical tragedies and current ev...
21 May
Between The Lines Losing Political Clout, Jewish Community In A Bind 16 May
David Bernstein, author of "Woke Anti-Semitism," highlights the challenges facing the Jewish community due to amplified bigotry and the intersection of progr...
16 May
Between The Lines Seeking Words Of Wisdom 10 May
The text discusses the concerning support for Hamas among American college students and the shift in educational goals at leading universities towards politi...
10 May
Between The Lines When Yizkor Tells A Story 6 May
Theodore Steinberg reflects on the significance of Yizkor Books, which are collections of essays and photographs created by Jewish landsmanshaftn to remember...
6 May
Between The Lines Why This Seder Night Is - And Isn’t - Different From All Others 19 Apr
As Passover approaches, the heavy atmosphere of recent events weighs on many Jewish minds, with concerns ranging from anti-Semitism to conflicts in the Middl...
19 Apr
Between The Lines Telling Israel’s Story To Millions 12 Apr
OpenDor Media, led by Noam Weissman, aims to engage young people in Jewish and Israeli topics through Unpacked, offering videos, podcasts, and articles that ...
12 Apr
Between The Lines Missing Joe Lieberman Already 4 Apr
Joe Lieberman, the first Jewish candidate on a major party's presidential ticket, was remembered at his funeral as a politician admired for his integrity and...
4 Apr
Between The Lines God and the Jewish People: A Love Story 27 Mar
Rabbi Shai Held's new book, "Judaism Is About Love," challenges the common perception of Judaism as focused solely on laws and justice, arguing that love, co...
27 Mar
Between The Lines ‘(ALMOST) PURIM SPOOF’ 2024/5784 22 Mar
The text is a satirical (almost) Purim spoof envisioning a report on issues of anti-Semitism on Ivy League campuses, including mandating Jewish students wear...
22 Mar
Between The Lines Agree Or Disagree, The Schumer Speech Deserves A Careful Read 17 Mar
Senator Chuck Schumer's recent speech addressing the Israel-Hamas conflict has sparked controversy and discussion. Schumer, the first Jewish Senate Majority ...
17 Mar
Between The Lines The ‘Guernica’ Uprising: No Room For Empathy 13 Mar
Joanna Chen, an Israeli writer and translator of Hebrew and Arab poetry, wrote an essay titled "From the Edges of a Broken World" about her struggle to empat...
13 Mar
Between The Lines A Young Soldier Prepares For A Different Kind Of Battle 12 Mar
In a poignant article titled "A Young Soldier Prepares for a Different Kind of Battle" by Steven A. Rosenberg, the story of Yoav, a 30-year-old Israeli soldi...
12 Mar
Between The Lines A Reasonable Request From Larry David To The World 10 Mar
Larry David was recently spotted looking sad on a U.S. mailbox in Riverdale, reflecting the feelings of vulnerability, anger, and insecurity among Jews world...
10 Mar
Between The Lines When Prayers Go Unanswered 29 Feb
The text discusses the challenges of unanswered prayers, particularly in the context of current events affecting Israel and the Jewish people. It delves into...
29 Feb
Between The Lines Covering The Horror; Recovering From The Trauma 27 Feb
In response to the trauma experienced by over 150 Israeli journalists and support professionals who covered the October 7 attacks where hundreds were killed,...
27 Feb
Between The Lines Justice, Finally, But Have Any Lessons Been Learned? 23 Feb
In a recent court case in Maryland, Rabbi Shmuel Krawatsky was found guilty of sexual assault and battery against young boys under his care. This verdict con...
23 Feb
Between The Lines In A Country At War, Making Children Feel Safe 21 Feb
ESI, a non-profit organization providing safe spaces for children in emergencies, responded swiftly to the Hamas attack in Israel by opening facilities to he...
21 Feb
Between The Lines Where Israel’s Past Meets Its Future 15 Feb
The National Library of Israel has opened its new home in Jerusalem, after years of delays and financial struggles. The library, funded by the Rothschild and...
15 Feb
Between The Lines Guaranteed To Keep You Up At Night 8 Feb
In this podcast episode titled "How To Build A Palestinian State," Dan Senor hosts Haviv Rettig Gur, an analyst from Times of Israel, to discuss the skeptici...
8 Feb
Between The Lines Snapshots Of Israel: Broken And Brave 4 Feb
The author reflects on their recent trip to Israel, highlighting the resilience and creativity of Israeli society in the face of war and challenges. They men...
4 Feb
Between The Lines Still In Trauma, Israelis Transition From ‘Start-Up’ To Rebuilding 25 Jan
The article discusses the transition taking place in Israel from a start-up nation to a nation focused on rebuilding after the recent tragedy. It highlights ...
25 Jan
Between The Lines Telling The Story Of Israel’s ‘Unknown’ Soldiers 21 Jan
A non-profit organization called Latet Panim Lanoflim, or Giving a Face to the Fallen, is dedicated to filling in the details of the lives of over 1,000 unkn...
21 Jan
Between The Lines On Israel’s Home Front, The Power Of Commitment 17 Jan
The author reports from Jerusalem, where normal life goes on amidst the intensity of the war. There is a deep commitment to both supporting the war effort an...
17 Jan
Between The Lines Israel's Other Volunteer Army 12 Jan
This article discusses a volunteer project in Israel that assembles and distributes toiletry kits to IDF soldiers on the front lines. Chana Hidegkuti, a volu...
12 Jan
Between The Lines ‘95 Percent Paradise, Five Percent Hell’ 4 Jan
Filmmaker Yahav Winner, who grew up in Kfar Aza near the Gaza border, made a film called "The Boy" that explores the trauma and constant conflict experienced...
4 Jan
Between The Lines Surprise! An end of year note NOT asking for funds… 31 Dec 2023
The author of Between The Lines, a Substack newsletter, expresses gratitude to subscribers for their support and highlights the success of the publication, w...
31 Dec 2023
Between The Lines How 2023’s Dark Cloud Could Yield A Silver Lining 29 Dec 2023
Israel's ability to adapt quickly to crises has been on display recently. The protest movement led by former IDF soldiers, Brothers and Sisters In Arms, shif...
29 Dec 2023
Between The Lines The Grey Lady Should Be Ashamed 27 Dec 2023
The author of this commentary criticizes The New York Times for what they perceive as biased coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They argue that th...
27 Dec 2023
Between The Lines How To Counter A Tech Culture Damaging Our Children 26 Dec 2023
In a recent talk to concerned Jewish day school parents, social psychologist Jonathan Haidt discussed the epidemic of mental illness among youth and offered ...
26 Dec 2023
Between The Lines Who I’m Following To Better Understand Israel Today 20 Dec 2023
This article provides a list of influential figures to follow in order to gain a better understanding of Israel today. The author emphasizes the importance o...
20 Dec 2023