Tag: Pm Netanyahu

In this edition, Gilad Halpern, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron discuss various timely topics and end with a heartwarming anecdote from Israel.
In this discussion by Gilad Halpern, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron, they cover various topics, including Avi Gabbay's use of consultants to attack Yair Lapid, a poll showing Israeli right-wingers are optimistic about the economy while left-wingers are pessimistic, and the evolution of traditional summer camps into specialized camps like space or veterinary camps.
The podcast discussion covers three main topics: the controversy surrounding protests against Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's alleged corruption, concerns over the excessive data available on a new Ministry of Education website about Israel's schools, and the debate on renaming Israel's airport due to its association with Palestinian suffering.
In a recent episode of the Tel Aviv Review, Allison, Noah, and host Gilad Halpern delve into the aftermath of the American elections, reflecting on what lessons Israeli leftists can draw from the defeat of the American left.
In this discussion, Allison, Don, and Noah touch on three main topics: Prime Minister Netanyahu's recent visits to African countries as part of a "periphery strategy" amid strained relations with Europe and the US, a government committee's recommendations to address discrimination against Sephardi/Mizrahi Jewish heritage in Israel's education system, and the commercialization of sleep-away camps in Israel by Proctor & Gamble, including the installation of air-conditioned bathrooms playing tampon ads.
In this episode, Allison, Noah, and guest Gilad Halpern discuss the emerging Repub-Likud and Avodah-mocrat parties in Israel, where right-wing parties seek unification as an "Israeli Republican Party" and center-left parties aim for an "Israeli Democratic Party."
In a discussion titled "The Peace Movement Stirs?", Don, Noah, and guest Ilene Prusher touch upon three significant topics: the controversy over a natural gas deal in Israel, the resurgence of the peace movement amidst the Gaza war anniversary, and the impact of Israeli musicians favoring English over Hebrew.
In this edition, Allison, Ilene, and Noah discuss whether the center-left should join PM Netanyahu's coalition, the proposal for new biometric identification in Israel, and how to remember the Holocaust as survivors become fewer.
In this podcast episode, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the idea of potentially dividing Israel into smaller, more culturally and ideologically homogenous localities to better serve their populations, debate the differing media coverage of Operation Protective Edge in Israel versus other countries, and explore why Prime Minister Netanyahu recently emphasized not eating non-kosher foods to a journalist, prompting questions about the role of secularism in Israeli leadership.
The article discusses the decline of the Israeli Left, questioning whether its focus on international issues led to its demise instead of addressing domestic concerns.
In their discussion, Allison, Don, and Noah address the Israeli government's appropriation of 988 acres of land from Palestinian villages for a new settlement named Gvaot.
In a discussion among Allison, Don, and Noah, the topics covered include the debate over whether Prime Minister Netanyahu should break away from his Likud opponents to form a new party, similar to Arik Sharon; a Knesset committee's vote on potentially requiring Haredim to join the army; and the controversy surrounding the impact of withholding foreign produce from local markets on helping farmers versus disadvantaging the poor.
In a discussion among Allison, Don, Eilon, and Noah, they explore why Israeli rabbis have remained silent on Israel's liberal abortion policy, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's demand for Palestinian recognition of Israel as a Jewish state, and the complexity of the African refugee situation in Israel.