Tag: Political Theory

Professor Hagar Kotef from SOAS, University of London, delves into her book "The Colonizing Self: Or, Home and Homelessness in Israel/Palestine," examining the idea of home in the context of Israeli settlements and the displacement of Palestinians.
Hagar Kotef, a professor of Political Theory at SOAS, University of London, explores the idea of home in Israel and Palestine in her book "The Colonizing Self: Or, Home and Homelessness in Israel/Palestine."
Dr Shivi Greenfield argues in his book, "Judaism and Liberalism: A Metaphysical Tale of Two Siblings," that Judaism and liberalism can coexist and have a common metaphysical origin.
Dr. Shivi Greenfield explores the relationship between Judaism and Liberalism in his book "Judaism and Liberalism: A Metaphysical Tale of Two Siblings," suggesting that they can coexist as they originate from a shared metaphysical source.
Martin Buber was a prominent Jewish thinker in the 20th century.
The article discusses the question of when leaders should break the law in times of emergencies.
Hannah Arendt's critique of social media centers around two key ideas.