Tag: Pro Israel Community

In response to anti-Israel campus encampments, there is a growing awareness in the pro-Israel community about the challenges on American campuses.
In the Oregon 3rd Congressional District primary, candidate Susheela Jayapal, who supports conditions on U.S. aid to Israel and a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas, raised concerns in the pro-Israel community.
A growing faction of Republicans, aligned with Donald Trump, are opposing additional foreign aid to Israel, which has traditionally been supported by pro-Israel activists.
Rep. Shri Thanedar of Michigan, who was once opposed by AIPAC due to his past stance on Israel, recently traveled to Israel with an AIPAC-affiliated group to learn more about the country and its challenges.
Nikki Haley's unexpected resignation as U.S. Ambassador to the UN has sparked speculation on her future plans, particularly concerning her replacement's effectiveness in countering anti-Israel sentiment at the UN.
US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley has clarified a controversial statement denying Qatar's financial support for Hamas, after initially indicating otherwise in a memo to Congress.