Tag: R Chaim Volozhin

This discussion focuses on the approach to Torah Lishma according to the Vilna Gaon, often contrasted with R' Chaim Volozhin's views, particularly in Mishley.
This episode delves into the debate between the Tanya and Nefesh HaChaim regarding Torah Lishma, focusing on R Chaim Volozhin's perspective and the importance of Avodas Hashem in the Misnagdic world as understood by figures like the Vilna Gaon.
This episode discusses the Tanya's perspective on the importance of performing mitzvot properly and the significance of doing so for the sake of Lishma.
In episode 15 of GAON, Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein discusses the Vilna Gaon and his Bais Medrash, focusing on biographical details such as when the Bais Medrash was built and the Gaon's close students like R Chaim Volozhin.