Tag: Renewable Energy

The Union for Reform Judaism, representing the largest American Jewish denomination, has committed to divesting from the fossil fuel industry to address the climate crisis, guided by Jewish teachings of environmental stewardship.
The article discusses the challenges faced by Israel in terms of environmental degradation and conflicts, but also highlights the potential for resilience and the opportunity to build a more sustainable future.
The progressive wing of the Democratic Party has suffered a blow in the midterm elections, with their policy agenda, theory of partisan politics, and theory of the American constitution now seemingly dead.
The 21st century may be known for the transition from fossil fuels to clean renewable energy, and nuclear fusion has been a topic of debate in this regard.
Professor Dan Rabinowitz from Tel Aviv University explores the impact of climate change on the Middle East in his book "The Power of Deserts," highlighting the region's dual role as a significant contributor to and a major sufferer from climate change.
The text discusses the documentary "Planet of the Humans" which questions the efficacy of green technology like solar panels and wind turbines, suggesting they still harm the environment.
Professor Itai Sened from Tel Aviv University argues for Israel to take a leading role in renewable energy, citing bureaucratic hurdles.