Tag: Settler Movement

With the recent ground invasion in Gaza aimed at eliminating Hamas, there is concern about what will happen in Gaza after Hamas is defeated.
Tel Aviv-based journalist Neri Zilber hosts Israel Piekrash on a podcast to discuss Israel's social cohesion and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Israel's Knesset recently passed a law that imposes harsher punishments for sexual harassment, assault, and rape committed with nationalistic motivations.
The essay discusses the current state of Israeli democracy and the challenges it faces.
"The Hilltop" by Assaf Gavron is a novel that offers insight into contemporary Israeli society and politics through the portrayal of a small illegal settlement in the West Bank.
In a discussion on the "one-and-a-half state" solution, the topic of Israel's peace prospects under Netanyahu's leadership and the role of gender in war and peace negotiations are explored.