Tag: Silan

This text describes a quick and simple dessert idea for creating tahini, silan (date syrup), and halva ice cream sundaes with Middle Eastern flavors.
This recipe provides instructions for making a tahini and silan (date molasses) cheesecake, with tips such as using full-fat cream cheese, not overmixing the cheesecake mixture, and using a combination of Lotus Biscoff and Digestive biscuits for the base.
This recipe provides a simple and sweet marinade for beef short ribs using silan, shallots, and pomegranate molasses.
This recipe for Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies, featured in Mishpacha Magazine, provides a healthier cookie option using natural peanut butter, honey, and oats.
Silan, a thick, chocolatey syrup made from dates, has become a popular alternative to honey in Israel.
This recipe is for a Rosh Hashanah apple olive oil cake made with silan.
This article discusses the increasing popularity of silan, a thick syrup made from dates, as an alternative to honey in Jewish cuisine.
The article discusses homemade date honey, known as devash in Hebrew and considered a representation of dates in the seven species traditionally eaten on Tu BShvat.