Tag: Simhat Torah

This article reflects on the concept of liberation in the Jewish community this year, particularly transitioning from Purim's themes of threats and instability to Pesach's promise of Divine intervention and liberation.
Warren Zev Harvey explores the concept of historical unpredictability and hope in the context of religious Zionism through the lens of R. Joseph Kaspi's views on the return of Jews to Israel and the Third Temple.
The author reflects on the October 7 massacres in Israel and the pain it caused for the Jewish people.
Yoni Heilman, an American oleh (immigrant) and CEO of the TAMID Group, shares his experiences as an IDF soldier during the war against Hamas in his near-daily messages.
Simhat Torah, a day immersed in minhag (customs), has evolved over time from a Talmudic yom tov sheni of Shemini Atzeret into a festivity celebrating the completion of the Torah reading cycle.