Tag: Social Psychology

The author reflects on a moment of realization in a social psychology class at York University about Stanley Milgram's obedience experiments in relation to the Eichmann trial, questioning the extent of individual responsibility when following immoral orders.
Daniel Bar-Tal, a professor of social psychology at Tel Aviv University, discusses his book "Sinking into the Honey Trap: The Case of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" in an episode sponsored by the Sady and Ludwig Kahn Chair in Jewish History at UCLA.
Daniel Bar-Tal, a professor emeritus of social psychology at Tel Aviv University, delves into his new book "Sinking into the Honey Trap: The Case of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict," exploring the perpetual nature of intractable conflicts.
Philosopher Hannah Arendt and scientist Stanley Milgram shed light on the nature of evil in society, arguing that normal, seemingly good people can commit atrocities when influenced by social pressures.
Professor Marian Turski discusses postwar Jewish life in Poland and why he and a few other Polish Jews stayed in the country despite efforts to displace them.